Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Toofie and Baby Time Out

 Part One: Toofie

We promised Addie some time ago (like 9 months ago) that we would get a puppy sometime just after Spring Break.  Spring Break came and went with no promised dog.  I'm not ready to have a baby human and a baby dog at the same house, so here is the compromise.  Meet Toofie the Guinea Pig.  These pics are from her first day at the Sole household.  It took approximately 20 minutes after coming home for the following things to happen:  1. Set up Toofie habitat. 2. Dress up Toofie as a princess and give her her own kingdom *originally designed for My Little Pony princesses, but let's not quibble. 3.  Let Toofie run in the living room and lose her under the couch.  Welcome home, Toofie!

Guinea pig castle (formerly My Little Pony castle)

Isn't she a beautiful princess?

Part Two: Baby Time Out

Teddy has been pulling a lot of hair and snuggle-biting his Mama recently, so I have begun to tell him "no" and then put him down in the attempt to get him to quit these painful behaviors.  Let me walk you through how this went today. This whole progression of pictures takes place over approximately 1 minute.

1.  "Mama!  Don't put me down!  I'm sorry!!  I'll never do it again (for the next 10 seconds!)  The floor is LAVA!  I'm sure of it!!
2.  (10 seconds later) Ok.  This isn't as bad as I thought.  Now pick me back up.

3.  Look at meeeeee.  I'm cuuuuute!  Pick me up, oooohkaaaay?

4.  Please?

5.  Look!  Toes!  Fun!

6.  You're taking pictures!  HI!!

7.  I found a ball.  I'm so over you.