Thursday, November 1, 2012

Punkin and Meatball

I have an odd compulsion. I seem to have the need to refer to our kids by nickname instead of actual name... unless, of course, they are in trouble.  Seriously, I need to be careful that the poor kids actually learn their own name instead of my little term of endearment by the time they can talk and introduce themselves to others.
Addie has been Punkin from the start, and I don't even remember how she got it.  It just always seemed to fit.  Teddy has been trying on several for size recently. The latest version is "Meatball." Now, before you raise an eyebrow at this choice, let me es-plain. No. There is too much. Let me sum up. (What? A Princess Bride quote mid-story? Yep. I told you. I'm a piece of work.)  Teddy has already shown himself to be a very strong little guy, so for a while, he was "Beefcake." The problem with that is that he's so little and, at the time we thought of this little moniker, pretty scrawny. So, that name morphed into "Beef Cupcake."  From there, it was just a small jump to the one that seems to be sticking, "Meatball."
In the name of sharing the joy here's a picture of a certain Punkin and a cute little Meatball masquerading as a Princess and a Dragon.

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